
To set up your Trezor device, visit Follow the step-by-step instructions for initializing, backing up, and securing your hardware wallet.

At, you can initiate the setup process for your Trezor hardware wallet effortlessly. Here’s a comprehensive guide to get you started:

Setting Up Your Trezor Device

  1. Accessing Begin by navigating to using a compatible web browser on your computer or mobile device.

  2. Connecting Your Trezor: Connect your Trezor device to your computer using the provided USB cable. Ensure your device is powered on and ready for setup.

  3. Choosing Your Model: If you have multiple Trezor models, select the one you are setting up from the list displayed on the webpage.

  4. Downloading Trezor Bridge (if needed): Depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux), you may need to download and install Trezor Bridge to facilitate communication between your device and the web interface.

  5. Starting the Setup Process: Follow the on-screen instructions to begin the setup process. This typically involves confirming device connection and ensuring firmware is up to date.

Initializing Your Trezor Device

  1. Creating a New Wallet: If this is your first time setting up the device, you will be prompted to initialize it. Follow the prompts to create a new wallet. This involves generating a new seed phrase.

  2. Backing Up Your Seed Phrase: Carefully write down the 12 or 24-word seed phrase displayed on your Trezor screen. This is crucial for recovering your wallet if your device is lost or damaged.

  3. Confirming Your Seed: After writing down your seed phrase, confirm it by entering the words in the correct order as prompted by the device.

Securing Your Trezor Device

  1. Setting a PIN: Set a PIN code on your Trezor device for an additional layer of security. This PIN will be required every time you access your wallet.

  2. Completing Setup: Once your device is initialized and secured, finalize the setup process by following any remaining on-screen instructions. Your Trezor device is now ready to use for securely storing your cryptocurrencies.

Additional Features and Support

For advanced features like adding accounts, using with third-party wallets, or troubleshooting, refer to the comprehensive guides and support available on Make sure to keep your device firmware updated regularly to benefit from the latest security enhancements and features.

Last updated